Texas Painting

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We want you to understand the full scope of the project. We take the time to write detailed and accurate estimates.
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We accept most payment methods including cash, check, credit card and online payment.
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Easily communicate directly with one of our team members through our dedicated business phone number and email addresses.
We never leave a mess
Our courteous employees always clean up when they are done. The job isn’t complete until we’ve made sure you are happy.
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We provide the following services



Changing the color in your space isn’t just slapping on a fresh coat of paint. You can change the color of just about anything in your home using a variety of materials and techniques including painting and staining.

Our Process

Know what to expect when you hire a pro.


We are careful to protect your floors and furniture by covering all surfaces before painting. We’ll evaluate the walls to determine the best kind of paint and application method.
ellipsecarpentar working
Black Ellipse


We are careful to protect your floors and furniture by covering all surfaces before painting. We’ll evaluate the walls to determine the best kind of paint and application method.


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It is recommended to repaint interior walls every seven to ten years. High traffic areas may need more frequent painting.

Look for a paint that is gas and flame retardant to provide an extra layer of safety in the garage.

This thick wallpaper is designed to hide flaws in the wall. It is easy to apply and remove.

Start by looking at color charts and gather pictures of rooms that inspire you. A professional can help you match or coordinate colors throughout your home.

Just washing vinyl or aluminum siding can make a big difference. It will brighten the color and make it look like it has a fresh coat of paint.

Everything needs to be removed from the walls. Remove or cover all furniture and protect the floor. You may also need to remove light fixtures, switch plates and other decorative features. You can do this yourself or your painting pro will include it in the price of the project.

Oil based paints have more fumes while latex and low VOC paint will have considerably less.

Yes. Home exteriors should not be repainted when it is below 40 degrees.

Our service area

+1 (346) 444-1079


Houston, TX, 77001

Texas Painting

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